Resettlement and Compensation


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Tpl. Nasiru Suleiman is the Director of the Department of Resettlement and Compensation. He holds a B.Tech (URP) and an MSc(URP).

He is affiliated with the following professional bodies: TOPREC and FNITP


Brief History

The choice of Abuja as the new Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria necessitated the revocation of the Right of Occupancy of various Land Allottees and the resettlement of Original Inhabitants to pave the way for the provision of physical infrastructure to befit the new Territory. The initial policy of the Government in 1976 was to move the entire Original Inhabitants outside the new FCT to free it from primordial claims, and control and develop it without encumbrance. The difficulty envisaged in implementing the policy in terms of the large population and cost implementation led to the policies of continuous resettlement of affected Persons in the FCT.

The previous handling of resettlement activities by the Departments of Land Administration, Planning and Survey, and; Development Control on an ad-hoc basis resulted in a paucity of records and a lack of continuity in the implementation of the scheme, hence the creation of the Department of Resettlement and Compensation in 2004 as one of the critical organs of Government engaged in the continuous development of the Federal Capital Territory. The Department is primarily saddled with the responsibilities of designing Resettlement and Relocation policies, physical resettlement of Original Inhabitants, as well as the compulsory acquisition of sites and properties, planning and design of the Resettlement site, Demographic/Economic Survey, and payment of compensation arising therefrom.


  • To provide first-class quality resettlement schemes in the Federal Capital City, as well as comprehensive valuation of properties, and enumeration of crops and economic trees using highly skilled and professional manpower. 


  • To be the foremost leader in service delivery in relation to overall Resettlement and Compensation issues in the Federal Capital City.


The Department carries out its functions through Four Divisions headed by Deputy Directors.

The Four Divisions are as follows:

  • Monitoring and Control Division
  • Planning & Resettlement Division
  • Valuation and Assessment (Crops and Economic Trees) Division
  • Valuation and Assessment (Structures) Division

Division and Units

Each Division mentioned above has various functions and units. These are as follows:

i) Monitoring and Control Division:

  • Monitoring, Inspection, and update of data on activities and programmes of the Department.
  • Preparation of the Departmental progress reports.
  • Processing for payment and custody of records for all compensations.
  • Preparation of Budgets and other related matters.
  • Computerization of the activities of the Department.


  • Data, Budget, and Biometrics Unit
  • Payment of Compensation Units 1, 2, and 3.

ii) Planning and Resettlement Division

  • Formulation of suitable Resettlement and Relocation Policies in the FCT.
  • Identification and selection of sites for Resettlement/Relocation purposes in liaison with the Department of Urban and Regional Planning.
  • Conduct of Demographic/Socio-Economic Surveys in the implementation of Resettlement and Relocation Schemes.
  • Planning and Designing of Resettlement/Relocation layout plans in liaison with the Department of Urban and Regional Planning.
  • Coordination and liaison with appropriate Agencies/Departments in the provision of Resettlement plots, housing, and Infrastructural facilities in the implementation of the Resettlement Schemes.
  • Implementation of Resettlement/Relocation Schemes.
  • Management of Resettlement and Relocation Schemes.


  • Relocation Unit
  • Resettlement Unit and
  • Planning Unit

iii)     Valuation/Assessment (Crops and Economic Trees Division):

  • Deal with all matters affecting the compulsory acquisition of properties (Crops and Economic Trees) in the Federal Capital Territory.
  • Inspection and Valuation of farmlands acquired for overriding public interest and other purposes.
  • Other related administrative duties in the conduct of valuation of affected farmlands in the FCT.


  • Valuation/Assessment Units A and B.

iv) Valuation/Assessment (Structures Division):

  • Deal with all matters affecting compulsory acquisition of properties (Structures) in the Federal Capital Territory.
  • Inspection and Valuation of Properties (Houses, Structures and Installations) acquired for overriding public interest and other purposes.
  • Conduct of market survey of all properties and collation of data within the City and Environs.
  • Valuation of properties for purposes of capital, rental, mortgage, insurance, probate, and on needs basis.


  • Valuation/Assessment Units A and B.

There are other independent Units, such as:

  • The Administration Unit
  • The Public Relations Unit
  • The Logistics Unit
  • The Accounts Unit, and
  • The Computer Unit









       I.         KUCHIKO

·          To cater for Kado Raya community who have been stranded for more than 25yrs







·Layout was prepared and approval given

·          Letters of Intent have been issued to the Kado Raya community.




·          Free land for the Honorable Minister’s residence.




·          Resistance by original inhabitants to access the site.









    II.      KARSHI / OROZO

This Scheme caters for:

·          The Karshi Ancestral Area and Orozo Relocation

·          Burial Ground of the late Chiefs of Karshi

·          Those affected by Kupayi Relocation Scheme

·          Issue of encroachment by the Nigerian Army in Gidan Daya

·          Overlapping of indigenous cemetery on the Gidan Daya layout

·          Tudun Fulani Kugbo

·          Other Nigerians affected by Abuja-Keffi Road Expansion.



·           Layout was prepared and approved

·          Letters of Intent have been issued to the original inhabitants, other Nigerians, and Tudun Fulani Kugbo community 

·          Cemetery handed over to AEPB

·          Letters of Intent for Public Facilities have been handed over to the appropriate Authorities




·          Resolve the issue between Tudun Fulani Kugbo and FCDA

·          Peaceful execution of Government projects at Karshi area and environs.



·          No access road to enable allottees to mobilize to the site.





·          Relocation is ongoing.

·          Opening the Internal road by local arrangement.


  III.         GIDAN DAYA

·          The layout is to carter for Kpadnayi community at Kugbo

·          Original inhabitants of Nyanya and other Nigerians affected by expansion of Abuja – Keffi Express way




·          Gidan Daya relocation has been completed

·          The Department is opening Access roads by local arrangement



·          To give way for the expansion of Abuja – Keffi express way

·          Resolve conflict between Nigerian Military and kpadnayi community Kugbo



·          Encroachment by Nigeria Army

·          Overlapping of layout

·          Lack of infrastructure

·          Lack of cooperation from the original inhabitants



·          Provide basic infrastructural facilities.


·          The community is presently at Cadastral Zone C17 Galadimawa and other  Fulbe communities in Guzape, Wuye, Katampe, Pyakasa, Kabusa / Keffi, Karmo, Jadin, mogadisu cantonment, Tungan Agani and Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore







·          Site environment and housing census of the Fulani community at Galadimawa has been carried out

·          Under going normal process pursuant to approval for relocation

·          Assessment of Crops and Economic Trees for the Fulani community at Galadimawa has been conducted.

·          Assessment of other Fulbe communities is in progress







·          Release of prime land for developmental projects at area’s currently occupied by earmarked communities







·          Delay in process of approval / bureaucracy









The Site Development plan for the scheme was approved

·          Letters of intent had been issued to the Original Inhabitants

·          Market within the scheme had been handed over to AMAC.

·          Implementation of Government Integration Policy

·          Will weed out criminal elements within the neighborhood

·          Delay in providing Infrastructural Facilities






VIII.         APO

·          Construction of 877 Resettlement Houses, upgrading of Garki chief palace





·          Payment of compensation for Crops/Economic Trees to beneficiaries has commenced but stop because the account was garnisheed

·          Apo and Akpmajenya communities moved to the scheme and the area they previously occupied was





·          Release of prime land for developmental purpose at areas occupied by Apo and Akpmajenya.

·          Improve security around the demolished community

·          Make room for the construction of a proposed transit way to the city

·          Enhanced environmental quality of the city through removal of the encroachments / slums caused by the demolished Indigenous community




·          Delay in the completion of the upgrading of the Chief Palace

·          Delay in payment of  the movement allowance and compensation of Crops and Economic Trees as a result of Garnisheed account.

·          Lack of adequate will / support by relevant stakeholder

·          Unnecessary resistance by the Original Inhabitants




·          Department of Public Building on the completion of the Garki Chief Palace



·          Construction of 2276 Resettlement Houses, Rehabilitation / make good use of houses for Utako, Maje, Mabushi, Jabi Samuel, Jabi Yakubu, Kpadna, Zhilu


·          Socio-Economic Survey conducted, however mop-up need to be done.

·          2No of solar powered Boreholes were drilled

·          One clinic completed and handed over to primary health care


·          Police station completed and handed over to Nigerian Police

·          1 Primary School completed at the area earmarked for Maje community


·          Release prime land for developmental project at areas occupied by earmarked communities

·          Fast track the execution of the Utako General Hospital, Staff Quarter and ancillary buildings

·          Completion of Engineering Infrastructure in the Jabi and Utako District

·         Make room for the construction of a proposed spill way in the city


·          Delay in the construction of the road Linking Mpape and Shere / Galuwyi community

·          Delay in the provision of infrastructural, facilities and other services within the scheme by relevant SDAs

·          Delay in the execution of Renovation / make good contract



·          Road to be provided by STDD

·          Electricity to be provided by STDD

·          Water supply to be provided by STDD

·          Septic Tank and Soak Away Pits to be provided by Public Building

·          School to be built by FCT Education Secretariat

·          Health Center to be built by FCT Health and Human Services Secretariat


      X.         WASA

·          Phase I is to accommodate 3 communities of Chika, Pyakasa and Alieta



·          Socio – Economic Surveys concluded, however, mop-up survey needs to be done

·          The number of houses as at 2021 to accommodate the communities

-Chika: 560 Houses

-Pyakasa: 1481 Houses

-Alieta: 521Houses


·          Most of the houses are undergoing renovation

·          Provision of internal roads and drainages ongoing


·          Release of prime land for developmental purpose at areas occupied by Chika, Pyakasa and Alieta communities

·          Improve security around the demolished indigenous communities to be relocated

·          Fast track the execution of Abuja Technology Village

·          Enhance environmental quality of the city by removal of the Slums and Encroachments

·          Ease transport within the area around the moved communities


·          No chief Palace

·          Delay in the evacuation of Internally Displaced Persons illegally occupying the scheme

·          Delay in the execution of pending contracts

·          Delay in the provision of infrastructural facilities and other services by relevant SDA’s



·          Road to be provided by STDD

·          Electricity to be provided by STDD

·          School to be built by FCT Education Secretariat

·          Health Care to be built by FCT Health Management Board

·          Water supply Borehole to be sunk for immediate need

·          Chief Palace to be built by Public Building Department


   XI.         GUDE

·          The scheme is for the Resettlement of Kabusa, Waru, Chafuyi,Pigba I, Pigba II and Apo Tafyi










·          Site Development plan approved

·          Consultancy work for the Enumeration structures, crops and economic trees conducted

·          Consultancy for Demographic/socioeconomic survey of Pigba 1, Pigba 2 and Apo Chafuyi conducted

·          Consultancy for demographic/socioeconomic survey of Waru, Pasali not conducted due to the uncooperative nature of the communities. 


·          The construction of Right of Way for Left Hand service carriage way of OSEX stage II.

·          Make room for the construction of S8 / S9 Southern Parkway and Arterial Road S30


·          Lack of cooperation by the original inhabitant






·          The scheme is to accommodate original inhabitants of Bassan Jiwa community displaced by Abuja light rail project


·          Site development plan approved

·          Re-alignment of Cadastral boundaries done by a committee setup by Urban and Regional Planning Department has been


·          Proposed implementation before the end of the year


·          To pave way for the construction of Abuja Light-Rail

·          Improve Security within the city


·          Lack of cooperation by the original inhabitant

·          Lack of adequate awareness of Government policies and procedures



·          It required relevant stakeholders adequate support


Other Activities

  • payment of compensation to both the Original Inhabitants/Other Nigerians in Bwari – Road corridor for lower Usuma Dam – Gurara Road Project.
  • Assessment and Payment of Compensation for Crops/Economic Trees and structures on Expressway (INEX) RR3 – RR4 Abuja Industrial stage II (left-hand side carriageway)
  • Assessment and valuation for compensation at Gude Resettlement Scheme.
  • valuation and payment of compensation in the acquisition of right of way of the southern expressway (OSEX) Rehabilitation and expansion road project from villa roundabout to ring road 1.
  • Abuja Phase 1V Gwagwa District comprehensive infrastructure development – Action plan (Gwagwa concession).
  • Assessment and payment of compensation for crops/economic trees for the extension of inner southern parkway s8/s9 to ring road 2.
  • Assessment of structures obstructing the right of way (ROW) of collector roads, minor access roads (MAR) 13 and 14 (District 1) STDD KARSHI ABUJA.
  • Assessment and payment of compensation for structure, crops, and economic trees on plot 66, cadastral zone C00 for the permanent secretariat of African First Lady’s Peace Mission (AFLPM) in Abuja.
  • Valuation of crops and economic trees on extension roads S.20, RS20, N1 while clearing Right of Way and S20/N4 junction.
  • Valuation for compensation of Crop and Economic Trees at contractors’ site yard (Messrs Gilmor Engineering Nigeria).
  • Valuation and payment of compensation in the acquisition of road corridors in the provision of engineering infrastructure to Wasa Affordable Housing Scheme.
  • Valuation and payment of compensation in the acquisition of a site for Gidan Daya Affordable Housing Scheme.
  • Assessment and Payment of compensation on the access road to Senate Staff Mass Housing Project Kuje, FCT Abuja.
  • Payment of compensation for valuation of structures on site for the proposed Nyanya New Motor Park.
  • Assessment and Payment of compensation of S20 Road linking Apo to Guzape District.
  • Assessment and Payment of compensation for Crops / Economic Trees for Ring Road III to Wasa Junction


Department Email:

Head of Department:

Past Directors

Full Name (MSCE, MCPN)         Year – Year